Tuesday, September 22, 2009


A newspaper editor has many tasks. They must supervise staffs that may consist of more or less than 50 people, and each of these people are responsible for a certain part of publication. Also, they must supervise the news report for the once-daily production. But they must keep in mind the 24-hour news cycle of early versions of stories to the online editors of their Web sites. According to Terri Windling, there is an aquisitions editor, who decides whether or not to publish a written manuscript. If the editor chooses to publish the manuscript, then that person is the primary editor and is in charge of helping the author get their manuscript into the best creative shape as possible. Next to look at the manuscript would be the line editor; they are in charge of going over each page, line, and word to see if any changes are necessary in making the manuscript better. Once the manuscript is finished it then goes to managing editor of the publishing company, who makes sure it successfully makes it through the long production process. After this the managing editor assigns a copy editor and a proofreader to look at things like grammar, spelling, etc. Finally, a book is printed.